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SADAA in a Nutshell


The South African Dog Agility Association (SADAA), is a non-profit organization which was established in 2001 to promote the sport of Dog Agility for all purebred and mixed-breed dogs in South Africa. 

SADAA is affiliated to the South African Working Dogs Association (SAWDA), which is the umbrella body for several Working Dog disciplines in South Africa.

Internationally, SADAA is a member of the International Federation of Cynological Sports (IFCS). The IFCS was founded in 2000 as a union of national sports cynological (dog) organizations. One of the main goals of the IFCS is to develop dog sports 
at an international level and to integrate them into the international sports system and the Olympic movement.

SADAA divides dogs into the following height categories:

  • Toy    - dogs under 30cm at withers jump 25cm

  • Mini   - dogs under 35cm at withers jump 30cm

  • Midi   - dogs under 42cm at withers jump 40cm

  • Large - dogs under 50cm at the withers jump 50cm 

  • Maxi  - dogs over 50.1cm at withers jump 60cm

SADAA offers four disciplines: Agility, Jumping, Gamblers and Snooker. In each discipline, there are three levels -
Grade 1(Beginner), Grade 2 (Intermediate), and Grade 3 (Advanced).

Handlers and dogs must compete in trials to earn qualifications to progress up from Grade 1 to Grade 3. Once in Grade 3, handlers compete to earn points towards Champion and Performance titles.


The sport of dog agility


Dog Agility is one of the fastest growing canine sports globally and was originally created as a demonstration
for spectators at the Crufts Dog Show in England in the late 1970s.

The concept and fun nature of the sport of "agility" became immediately popular and spread across the globe, especially in the USA. Agility is a fantastic spectator sport and competitions attract crowds of people at local, national and international events. 

SADAA defines dog agility as "a fast sport for handlers and dogs of all ages, shapes and sizes".  

Agility tests both the handler and dog's fitness, trainability and speed around a numbered course with obstacles such as hurdles, tunnels, tire jumps, A-Frame, Dogwalk, See-saw and weave poles.




SADAA holds regular trials across South Africa where handlers compete to earn qualifications towards titles.

There are three types of trials:

  1. Club trials - hosted per region by a club. Regions can host a maximum of 20 club trials per year. All formal Agility, Jumping and Games classes are offered, plus Fun Events at the Host Club’s discretion. Dogs can qualify in Grade 1 and 2.
    Grade 3 Clear rounds will count towards Agility 3 Dog and Jumping 3 Dog Titles.

  2. Regional Trials - normally held once a year where a region holds up to 4 sets of Agility & Jumping trials over a weekend plus Games trials. Dogs can qualify for Grade 1, 2 and 3 over a regional trials weekend. Grade 3 dogs earn QC's towards Performance and Championship titles. In addition results for Grade 3 results are used to qualify for SADAA Nationals.

  3. National Trials -   staged annually to determine the SADAA National Agility Dog of the year. To be invited to compete at the National Trials a dog must accumulate 60 points during the qualifying period, of which at least 30 points must have been gained in Agility classes. 




SADAA offers four disciplines:

Agility - this class includes the following obstacles:

  • Jumps (single, spread, long, tire)

  • Contacts (A-frame, Dogwalk, Seesaw)

  • Tunnels (Rigid only)

  • Weave Poles

  • Wall jump


Jumping - this class excludes contact obstacles:

  • Jumps (single, spread, long, tire)

  • Tunnels (Rigid only)

  • Weave Poles

  • Wall jump



  • The Gamblers game specifically showcases a dog’s willingness and skills to work at an appreciable distance
    from the handler.

  • Gamblers is a two (2) part game consisting of a ‘Point Accumulation Period’ and a ‘Gamble’.

  • The objective of Gamblers is for the dog and handler team to accumulate as many points as possible in the
    'Point Accumulation Period' and then perform a designated ‘Gamble’.


Snooker - The object of the game Snooker is to score as many points within the maximum course time
set by the judge. The course consists of 3 or 4 red jumps and one of each of the other Snooker colours
(all other obstacles).

  • Snooker is a two (2) part game of an opening and closing sequence.

  • Each obstacle is given a value which can be added to the points total if completed successfully.

  • The judge will establish a time limit for Snooker. Points can only be earned within the allotted time.


How do you become a SADAA member?​



Please find below the rules and regulations associated with the South African Dog Agility Association. 


Meet the board members...

Photo by Candice Segal


How to become a SADAA Judge

© 2021 by South African Dog Agility Association aka SADAA

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